Within the formal partnership between the EFSA Institute (Stellenbosch) and the Protestant Academy of Tutzing in Bavaria, Germany, Dr Koegelenberg attended the conference “Israel, Syria and Ukraine – is it possible to ensure stability and Peace?” .
The conference was part of the programme of the “Political Club” of the Academy – which is currently headed by Dr Gunther Beckstein – a former Premier of Bavaria. Dr Gerd Müller was the main speaker and focused on the future challenges for the world – where access to food and water can become critical issues. He also highlighted the international problem of inequality and the challenge to share resources.

Rev Udo Hahn (President of Tutzing Academy) Dr Renier Koegelenberg (Director, EFSA Institute), Dr Gerd Müller (German Minister for International Cooperation and Development), Dr Gunther Beckstein (Political Club, Tutzing Academy: former Premier of Bavaria)